“Kevins Shed” has some signage on display but is mainly focused on more than 2 dozen tractors from last century including the operational, award winning “Waterloo Boy” a rare kero powered tractor from the 1920’s.

- 1937 Steel Horse Model K40
- 1939 HSCS 40HP Steel Horse
- 1946 International Farmall Model M
- 1950 R40 Hanomag 40HP
- 1951 45HP Lanz Bulldog Model P
- 1938 Alice Chalmers Model U
- McCormic Diesel Tractor
- 1947 International Petrol Tractor
- 1954 Massey Harris Model 44K
- 1925 International 15-30
- 1986 Ford F100 Mark 3 Ambulance
- 1950 Chamberlain “Super 70” 3 cyl GM
- 1972 Australian Built Acremaster Tractor
- 1976 Naughton 190HP 4WD Purpose Built Tractor (Local)
- 1926 John Deere “D” Series Tractor
- 1950’s John Deere Hay Baler
- 1920’s John Deere “Waterloo Boy”
- 1947 John Deere “D” Series 2 Cyl Kero
- 1946 John Deere “G” Series Tractor
- Sunshine Mower Harvester
- 1946 Ford Truck
- 1952 SIFT French Tractor Model TD4